Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How to do Printables

I love printables! They make everything look....well, Better! I created this cupcake topper at and here's a tutorial on how to make your own. I will use this a lot and thought you might be able to as well! The program is free! Happy creating!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I {heart} blogs!

Don't you love it when people share the awesome blogs they find? Stumbled onto this one today, so thought I'd share!! Sooo cute!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Latest Re-Do

Found this beauty at the GoodWill for $8. It was a little rough on top, but the hardware was too cool to pass up. I had great before pics but, they are on our Mac that the power supply went out here's the after. Just picture brown, old, get the idea!

{Hippity Hoppity}

We LOVE Easter at our house! The kid's had so much fun at the easter egg hunts! We went to the Jackson's for a fun Sunday dinner and hunt! Love dying the easter eggs!

wish I would've gotten my act together sooner! I still have a ton of Easter decor left that I shoud've posted for Sale! Oh well, here's what Easter at our house looked like!!


Homemade Wallpaper

I wanted to hang wallpaper but A) it's messy, to hang and get off. B)it's expensive C) it's easily outdated. So Plan B I made my own wallpaper with paint! I just free-handed the flower's. I'll post the after pics later!